Infinite Love

Getting in touch with the power that drives the Universe...

"No matter how many Biblical smart bombs you drop down someone's soul chimney, ultimately it all comes down to whether or not they like you.  If they like you, they will be more open to your ideas, and if they don't they won't."  The Outsiders, p. 107

"We've been told if we get too close to sinners, we risk becoming like them, and we have been told that if we hang out with nonbelievers, we need to have an answer for them.  But what if they aren't asking the questions we've been trained to answer?  ...for Jesus, morality was never an abstraction.  It was a concrete reality that had to do with alignment to the ultimate intention of God.  This is what allowed Jesus to hang with various sinners and prostitutes.  When pressed about these things his standard answer was: 'I only do and say what I see and hear from my Father.'  For Jesus, morals were always rooted in the story of God."  The Outsiders, p.110-111

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